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3. Who Killed Harry FIeld?

Inspector Morse

Inspector Morse investigates the murder of a struggling, run-of-the-mill artist with a liking for alcoholic splurges; a body is flung off an overpass.

Friday, 3rd May 5.40pm


3. Who Killed Harry FIeld?

Inspector Morse investigates the murder of a struggling, run-of-the-mill artist with a liking for alcoholic splurges; a body is flung off an overpass. 104mins

Friday, 3rd May 5.40pm

2. Fat Chance

Morse investigates the death of a young, female deacon before the appointment of Oxford's first female chaplain; Morse links a death to a weight loss company. 103mins

Thursday, 2nd May 5.35pm

1. Second Time Around

Morse joins forces with an old competitor to investigate the death of a former deputy police commissioner; Morse connects a murder to an 18-year-old cold case 104mins

Wednesday, 1st May 5.40pm