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70% Complete

2. The Quality of Mercy


Lewis investigates an actor's death who was involved in a Shakespeare production; Hathaway discovers a new suspect in the murder of Lewis's wife.

Wednesday, 21st Feb 5.50pm


2. The Quality of Mercy

Lewis investigates an actor's death who was involved in a Shakespeare production; Hathaway discovers a new suspect in the murder of Lewis's wife. 93mins

Wednesday, 21st Feb 5.50pm

3. The Point of Vanishing

A recently released criminal is found drowned and scalded in his bathtub, so Lewis investigates the death to determine who might be to blame. 92mins

Thursday, 22nd Feb 5.55pm

4. The Counter Culture Blues

Lewis visits a rock star's house as he investigates a death, and he discovers a famous singer who faked her own death 35 years... 93mins

Friday, 23rd Feb 5.50pm